Sunday, 3 April 2011


I have a love/hate relationship with this season, and my dislike for summer stems from many reasons; being too hot, my makeup not staying on properly, chavs with no shirt on because they think it makes them look cool, men wearing shorts and flip-flops (only appropriate on the beach!), sunburn...I could go on.

Being of the 'alternative' persuasion, one of the things I hate most is trying to find appropriate footwear. I absolutely hate gladiator sandals, and find flip-flops uncomfortable for long periods of time, and there isn't much else out there in the summer. There are always platform sandals around, which I do love, but sometimes I just want something comfy to walk about in! Also, I'm tall enough without platforms, so I don't wear them that much in the first place! xD

I am currently in love with this pair of shoes (above), by Jeffery Campbell. They're so cute! But sadly would probably not get worn enough to justify buying them. Perhaps I am just destined to wear Docs in the summer for eternity!

However there are also some good points to summer! The main reason being you can actually go outside without wearing about five layers, and everyone is much more cheerful than in the winter.

And now, obviously, as I have posted one picture of shoes, I must post more! (yes, they get tackier and more sparkly as you scroll down)

And, can you not want Bowie shoes?!

I should go out to clubs and parties more so I would have an excuse to buy them...



  1. I completely understand what you mean about having a love/hate relationship with summer. We all suffer from these problems and I agree it is very hard to find a decent pair of shoes for summer, there just aren't any out there! I adore those polka dot shoes though ;)

  2. I know I think they're completely amazing! *0*
    They're by Jeffery Campbell, so they're probably sold out everywhere though :(
